A. The Sinner Must know that he is lost (Rom 3:10, 3:23, Ish 64:6, Rom 5:12)

B. The Sinner Must know that he is under the wrath of God because of sin. That the Price on Sin is Judgement, Wrath, and Hell (Rom 6:23, Rev 20:14, 3:36, Rom 1:18, Ezk 18:4) 

C. The sinner must know that he cannot save himself (Titus 3:5, Rom 3:20, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 11:6, Gal 2:16, Rom 6:23) 

D. The Sinner must know that only Jesus can save him. (John 14:6, 1 Tim 2:5, Acts 4:12, John 10:9, John 6:51, Heb 7:25) 

E. The Sinner must know that he is saved by FAITH in Jesus (Acts 16:31 , John 3:16,18, John 1:12, Rom 10:9 


New Life Ministries of Charlotte, Inc.


 Soul Winner's Message

Our mission is simple Go, Reach, and Teach the gospel (the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ) to everyone. (Matt 28: 19-20, Acts 1:8) 

The only qualification to join our soul winning ministry is you must be born again. 

Our main focus is to promote Jesus Christ, not our church, ourselves, or anything else.